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cannot connect to server

Hi All,

I just build the MK1 and it works. I downloaded the (latest) app and can control the Mk1, however the app cannot update from the server so I do not have any satellite TLE's.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Make sure that the smartphone is connected to a wifi with a stable internet connection when downloading the TLEs, if you are connected directly to the Satrans hotspot it will not work.

I tested the current app version just now and it works. Possibly you have some issue on your phone, perhaps some antivirus or other issue that prevents it from connecting to the database.

Thanks for checking. I have tried a different phone and the server worked!!!.  I now have to figure out why my android device does not update the TLEs.

Does any one has some experience using an android emulator on windows, if not I have to buy a new phone 😉

As soon as I have the MK1 running I will upload some pictures.