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Elevation nearby 90°


just a question, I would like to know how is acting your rotator when following a satellite at nearby 90° of elevation ?

thanks for your response


Then it is pointing straight upwards. The chance of having an exact 90 degrees angle is almost zero for a given position when tracking satellites, but mechanically it is no problem. There is always an azimuth position available so when the satellite passes straight above, the antenna turns 180 degrees in azimuth and continues tracking the object.

Meaning, when it is in zenith the actual pointing direction is almost constant while the azimuth rotates, but depending on what antenna you have it does change the polarization of the antenna which can affect how you receive signals.

Amvar has reacted to this post.
Цитата из F4IGG от 2021-08-03, 14:41

Buddy, tell me, how did you implement automatic control on the MK1?

I also want to teach MK1 to control using Gpedit.

Quote from Amvar on 2022-12-27, 10:17
Цитата из F4IGG от 2021-08-03, 14:41

Buddy, tell me, how did you implement automatic control on the MK1?

I also want to teach MK1 to control using Gpedit.

The MK1 just as all other makes will give "automatic control" with the free android app available from google play store. Search for "satran control" and you should find it, unless your smartphone is too dated. Using Gpredict on the MK1 would require you to make adjustments to the firmware code since hamlib/rotctl is not supported on the MK1. Good luck!

Thanks for the hint.
Automatic tracking, from the Android app, really works.
But I noticed that the passage of some objects is calculated incorrectly.
For example, such as 43192, 25544, 39444, 25397

The error is not just a few degrees, the antenna looks in a completely different direction from the object.