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Part Numbers in BOM

I really want to build and assemble this project. However the BOM is vague on a few components. Can anyone add part numbers or post them here to Sourced parts Like the Motors and potentiometers etc.


I'm going down the same road, and collecting my findings in this spreadsheet.

KD9WDV has reacted to this post.

Here is the BOM I put together for parts that I didn't have from Amazon. Granted this isn't everything needed to complete the build just the bits I was missing.


A note on the L298N drivers, I decided it would be actually be way cheaper to buy the boards and desolder the chip off them. It's not a fun process but to purchase 1 bare chip was the same price as 4 of these.  YMMV

K0SWE, I went through your BOM and it's really good, nice job putting in the work on it.

K0SWE has reacted to this post.

K0SWE, I went through your BOM and it's really good, nice job putting in the work on it.

Does anyone tested how much weight this motors are supporting? I'm not sure if the system would allow the Arrow antenna 146/437-10 weight. Any thoughts?