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ready to build one.

I was in doubt a long time what i will give a try. Well its going to be the satran rotor HI.  I print the parts myself, almost done, only thing is the topcover thats to weak i think. Maybe i will make this of aluminium. Most off the parts are done, only the topplate and the antenna mount. i will send pictures of all printed parts later. The electronics etc will be dilivered tomorrow, just got a message from DHL.

I have two questions in advance, now you stop with this model (MK1) i hope that the software etc will be downwards compatible. And that eventuale modifications to other versions will be usable on the MK1.

thats my little story and will give a update now and then. (sorry for my english writing).

Lemmy PC2LR  73



here some pictures off the building proces.

Uploaded files:
  • IMG20210912114709.jpg
  • IMG20210912114718.jpg
  • IMG20210912114733.jpg