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rotctld request

It would be nice to have rotctld support so predict could interface with the pointer. Having to use the app has proven unreliable and trying to send commands directly is pretty hacky. It's difficult to get much use out of the pointer at the moment.

Saud has reacted to this post.

That is on the todo-list, but since the firmware is open source anyone with sufficient coding knowledge are free to develop drivers to other popular software! I am happy to assist with any technical questions you might have.

There are satpc32, gpredictor and many others. All of which would be nice to interface. Also the current app is under continuous development and more functions are to come in the future.

Saud has reacted to this post.

This is very good news. We have a club project, currently using satpc32 and gpredict, and would like to use the Satran with them for schools outreach demonstrations. This seems a perfect fit. Our lightweight 2m and 70cm antennas could be made portable?

How easy would it be to control a Satran with gpredict and usb? What would we need to tell gpredict and can the Satran communicate with Linux ( or Win) by usb?

(We're ok with easy shell scripting and python, and could learn to do more to make this work.)

73, John KX4QC

Hi there I recently built the MK1 version also. Did you ever implement rotctld into the code? Can I ask you for a copy if you don't mind? Thank you.

Hello, Are there more software programs like Orbitron for instace, who can be used to control the mk3 rotor?

Quote from PE1MWL on 2022-11-28, 00:53

Hello, Are there more software programs like Orbitron for instace, who can be used to control the mk3 rotor?

I have found the program: pst rotator. Very nice with a lot of possibilities.